Sunday, November 30, 2008

I'm Ready To Go...

Thanksgiving morning Dan and I were getting ready to head to Nanny's house...then Taggie decided he wanted to go too. He bolted past us and made a mad dash to the garage. When I got down the stairs this is what I found...A Taggie waiting for someone to open the car door so he can jump in and come with us. (He stayed there long enough for me to go upstairs, get the camera and then come back down.) He was very sad when we told him he had to stay at the house. We finally got him back upstairs and we headed to Nanny's. We had a wonderful thanksgiving and it was great to see all the family!

Recipe: So, I made some yummy jalapeno poppers and took them to Nanny's house. I wasn't sure if anyone would like them but they turned out to be a big hit. Here is the recipe if you are interested:

Jalapeno Poppers
1 lb sausage
8 oz cream cheese
1 cup shredded parmesan cheese
22 jalapenos, halved and gutted (if you use big jalapenos, you will probably need less)
ranch dressing for dipping

Heat oven to 425 degrees. Cook sausage in skillet and drain grease. Mix cream cheese and parmesan cheese in bowl. Once mixed, add sausage to cheese mixture. Stuff jalapenos with meat/cheese mixture and lay jalapenos side by side in a cooking dish. (They tend to fall over while cooking if not side by side). Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes or until brown on top. Serve with ranch dressing for dipping. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Meet Pepper. This is Taggies Aunt. Pepper is about 10 years old and lives with my parents. She was my best little buddy through middle school and high school. She has a younger stud of a husband named Cocoa. (I'll introduce him later) They argue alot but I think its all in the name of love.

I painted this picture Spring 2008 with acrylics. I hope you like it. Its one of my first doggie portraits. My very first one was of Taggie...of course :)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Sleepy Tag

So, how can you call Taggie a dog. Do dogs know how to sleep on a pillow???
I get a little confused myself sometimes. In case you were wondering, this Taggie look is saying..."Turn off the lights, I'm trying to sleep!"...or what we like to refer to around the house as "Stink Eye".

You can find the Tag most days keeping papas pillow warm...

Sunday, November 23, 2008


So the mystery continues...

Dan and I left for about 1 hour to go workout at approximately 1:30 pm. When we came back, we opened the door to the garage and found this....
Gasp...Dan knows exactly where the mystery person found these the office. (Today is cleaning day and the trash was left on the floor.) We rush to the office and what do we find???? MORE CLUES

WOW...they ate all of them...These things always seem to happen when we aren't around. So, how do you figure out who did it? Well, the only one in the house was Taggie and he said he didn't see anything. But he sure is scared that we think its him...interesting
But in an effort to prove his innocence, he wanted to help out in the search for who did it. So, in his search for who did it, he "found" another clue upstairs in the bedroom...he thinks we should talk to Razorback about what he saw...But I'm thinking Taggie sure looks guilty...
We seem to have come to an end on the search this time and we still don't know who did it. Looks like we have to wait until it happens again. But as I sit hear and think, Taggie comes to visit and I find the last clue....

I asked Taggie, "How did that piece of granola get on your fur?". Taggie says, "I must have picked it up in the search for who really did it..." Well, Tag would never lie so we sit and wait. Hopefully next time we will catch the mystery person in action. Deep down inside I have a feeling the answer is right in front of us... ;)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Tissue Mystery

So, this happens alot in our house. Torn tissues in the middle of the floor, missing oatmeal cookies that were left on the coffee table and various wrappers licked clean. I can't quite figure out how it happens. For the longest time I thought Dan was the culprit...but he claims he's not. Taggie was my second thought but he's to cute to do something like this and he also promises that he didn't do, the mystery continues.

A little to the left....

Taggie helping out...or supervising...whichever :)

Art Sale

Mom and I went to the Arkansas Art Center art sale today. Got some great ideas for next years sale. We are planning on being in the sale....we'll see how that pans out. Here is the cool mug I bought!