Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Pottery Sale

Here are a few pictures from my (and mom's) pottery sale with the Art Center!

The Wall

Just for you Uncle Bob! The wall is a little dirty in these pictures...but you get the idea!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pottery Update and Sale

My sale is Nov 21st!!! YEA!!! Please come if you are in Little Rock. State Fair Grounds, Hall of Industry, 9-4. As soon as I get back into town, one of my weekend task is to put pottery pictures up!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Here is my most recent pottery! Also, there is going to be a pottery sale in November. Me and mom will have a table and be selling our pottery. If you are interested please let me know and I will let you know where :)

This is a big bowl that came out so nice.
This is another big bowl that I LOVE!
Two fun green and yellow-ish bowls. Large and medium in size.
One of my favorite trays...It is a brushed on turquoise tray.
Another nice tray...in a glaze called yellow green.
Fun mugs in brown and a gray-ish blue color.
Vase with flowers...this was a fun experiment...a little different from my normal functional pottery.
Two purple bowls...Theses are big cereal bowls.

I love pottery and I hope one day TONS of people will want to buy my stuff. I would love to do this full time....BUT there is one big problem...no one has bought anything...I just keep making and making...You should see our dinning room table...its covered. Hopefully things will change at the sale in November...Wish me luck :)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Taggie Goes Swimming

WOW!!! It has been a long time since I have posted anything. But we have TONS to post. I have been taking pictures like crazy but I have just been slacking in the posting department. I'll try and get caught up over the next few days....hopefully :)

Taggie LOVES LOVES LOVES to go swimming at the dog park. We found a "secret" swimming hole a couple weekends ago and Taggie just loves it.

First we walk through the soccer fields to get to the secret location...

We are almost there...we walk through the secret trail to get to the water

First things first...time for a BIG drink of water...YUMMY river water...so healthy :)Papa, lets use this stick...Its the best :)
I got it, I got it, I got it.....Look at the HUGE leap!!!
SPLASH!!!! Weeeeee this is soooooooo fun.We always try to get Taggie to swim...he refuses to do it unless we take him out in the water. He prefers to stay in the shallow end....I'm not sure what they are looking at....This is after we got done swimming. This pictures says.....WEEEEEE!!!! I had the BEST time ever. Thank you, thank you, thank you!On the way home...What a happy and wet pootie :)
If you can't tell, we love this little guy with all our heart. I'm not sure what we would do without him :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Lots of Pottery

I just got a ton of pottery back! YEAH! Most of it turned out good...of course I only show the good stuff ;)

Three small bowls in yellow and blue...turned out very nice!
Three bowls in turquoise and brown....my favorite

This bowl was an experiment...and it turned out VERY NICE!!!!
Below is a picture of the inside of this bowl...

Mug in blue!

Large bowl in carmel.
Flower pot....white and light green. This one looks better in person!
This is a plate for a friend...It turned out really nice. She wants 8 sets....they are gonna be so nice :) Again...this is white, so it is very hard to get the full picture...looks much better in person ;)

If you like any of my stuff...let me know! I can make something for you.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


A couple mugs are here! I will have tons of pottery very soon...I just glazed about 20 pieces last weekend and they are slowy getting fired. In the mean time, here are a few mugs that got done first:

Taggie makes such a wonderful model. He is posing with a mug I made for a co-worker. The mug turned out VERY nice. Its a little smaller then I would like but I am still perfecting the perfect mug size.

Taggie also wants to tell you about his day! He went to the park today. He had a wonderful time. He went swimming, saw a deer and tried to eat a fish (a dead one). Thanks papa for taking me to the park after you got off work today :)

Two mug set! These mugs turned out really nice. Blue and green with a yellow-ish top.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Remembering a Wonderful Grandfather

Here are a couple pictures of the best Grandpa ever! He married me and Dan on January 7, 2006. He did a wonderful job.

Thanks Grandpa! Love you :) You are missed more and more every day.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Two blog post in one night...WOW! Well, life has been very busy the past couple of weeks! I'm also watching the Bachelorette and I am wanting it to be good...but I'm just not interested! So, two blog post were born :)

Here is some of my most recent pottery. I hope you like it :)

This is a teapot that I am SOOOOOOOOOO happy with! It turned out better then I expected. If you want to have tea with me....come on over :) This teapot will make the tea taste extra good...I promise ;)

This pitcher did not turn out like I had hoped. I wasn't going for this light blue (it was supposed to be purple but I didn't get the reduction I wanted...boo to no reduction!). But it turned out pretty good for a light blue pitcher!

This bow was inspired by a potter I found online and I really liked her stuff! According to my pottery teacher "A good potter borrows but the best potters steal!" In reference to others work. Nice! Well, I didn't really still so I guess I'm just a "good" potter :)

Cheeseball cover and plate! I love this piece.

Surprise Flowers!

So, we have some flowers growing in our back yard. Last year we had two and this year we have ~15. We have no idea where they came from but they are beautiful. From what I understand they grow from bulbs and might be called surprise lilys....but I'm not sure. I took this opportunity to take some pictures of them and they turned out pretty good!