Monday, August 23, 2010

Stay At Home Wife - Day 1

Today wasn't to exciting.  I was actually SUPER tired all day today.  Or neighbors decided to have a party Sunday night and it kept me and Tag up all night.  I knew Taggie was up because every time I got up to potty he was sitting up listening to the noisy neighbors.  (I can't wait to move to our own house!!!)  Taggie is usually fast asleep on his bed in any funny position you can think cute :)

Tired or not, we still had stuff to get done today.  Taggie had his annual shots today.  So, I took Taggie to the vet this morning at 9am.  We got there a little early because I wasn't exactly sure where the vet was.  They put us in our own room as soon as we got there but Taggie did not like it.  He was whining and kept staring at the door in hopes I would let him out.  I felt bad because I knew he had to get his shots and we weren't leaving any time soon.

The vet came in and gave Tag a check-up.  This was news to me as I thought we were only there for shots.  Taggie didn't mind the check-up part but as soon as she was done he hid under my chair.  The easy part was over and I guess he knew what was coming next!  I would have hid too :)  He did really well with getting the shots.  It's like they didn't faze him.  He was a good boy.

I asked the vet some questions about Taggies sensitive stomach and she gave me some good advice.  Currently we do not give Tag treats because they upset his stomach and she told us to try boiled sweet potatoes.  I'll let you know how that goes!

Taggie was told he needs to lose a couple pounds.  We are going to try and decrease his food first.  He was not very happy about that.  Next she suggested trying to change his food to a weight control food.  (Which is hard with his sensative tummy)  She also suggested swimming.  To bad Taggie doesn't like to swim.  He LOVES the water but he only likes it if he can touch the bottom.  We walk him every night.  We take him to the park on weekends.  We can't run him because of his hip displaysa.  So, the only thing left is food control for now.  Hopefully that will work, if not he may get two walks a day!

We checked out and I am constantly in sticker shock with prices for things up here!  The check-up was way more then I was expecting.  (Considering I didn't know that he was getting that today anything more then zero is to much!)  We then went next door to the groomer to find out how much Taggies haircut would cost.  Sticker shock yet again!  She said it would be about $50 to $70!!!  WHAT?!?  I paid $35 in Little Rock for "the Works" and I thought that was almost to much!

I headed home to drop off the Tag because I had to go to the Honda to get my car checked out.

Last Friday, my car started making a horrible screeching noise and of course it happened on my last day of work!  Great!  Well, the Honda people were really nice and got my car looked at before they repair guys left for lunch.  Lucky for me it turned out that there was a rock stuck somewhere (I don't remember where) that was making the noise.  They took it out and no harm was done!  Wonderful!  I needed some good news :)

Me and Taggie rested part of the afternoon because we didn't sleep at all last night.  After we got moving, I called the car seat people about an infant insert that I read about online.  The lady was so rude and made fun of me for saying "y'all".  O well, she answered my question so I got what I needed.  I also think I am becoming more sensitive the later I get in my pregnancy! Go figure :)

Well, I'm about to start making a yummy spegetti dinner for the Dr tonight.  Hope everyone had a great day!

Tomorrow I am getting my car inspected and getting a new license.  I guess I will be official tomorrow :)

I think this picture explains it all!
Love and Hugs,
Jessica and Taggie

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