Monday, July 27, 2009


Two blog post in one night...WOW! Well, life has been very busy the past couple of weeks! I'm also watching the Bachelorette and I am wanting it to be good...but I'm just not interested! So, two blog post were born :)

Here is some of my most recent pottery. I hope you like it :)

This is a teapot that I am SOOOOOOOOOO happy with! It turned out better then I expected. If you want to have tea with me....come on over :) This teapot will make the tea taste extra good...I promise ;)

This pitcher did not turn out like I had hoped. I wasn't going for this light blue (it was supposed to be purple but I didn't get the reduction I to no reduction!). But it turned out pretty good for a light blue pitcher!

This bow was inspired by a potter I found online and I really liked her stuff! According to my pottery teacher "A good potter borrows but the best potters steal!" In reference to others work. Nice! Well, I didn't really still so I guess I'm just a "good" potter :)

Cheeseball cover and plate! I love this piece.

Surprise Flowers!

So, we have some flowers growing in our back yard. Last year we had two and this year we have ~15. We have no idea where they came from but they are beautiful. From what I understand they grow from bulbs and might be called surprise lilys....but I'm not sure. I took this opportunity to take some pictures of them and they turned out pretty good!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Taggie!

Yesterday was Taggie's 5th birthday! He had the best day. We played, went for walks, ate to many chewys and just had a great day :)

I should have more pottery soon! I'm waiting for it to finish getting fired....Hopefully it will be done by Wednesday.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Girly Tag

Nothing to intersting has been happening in the household! So here are some pictures. This is me and Taggie cuddling on the couch. He got a MILLION belly scratches and rubs just before this picture was taken. So he was pretty happy to say the least! Its like he leaned in and is posing for the camera...Actually, I think he really is...Such a smart puppy!

I do have a short story. Dan took Taggie to the park this weekend. A girl and her mom were at the dog park too. They came up to Tag and the mom said, "She has such beautiful eyes." The little girl said, "She is SOOO soft!". Well, they finally realized Taggie is not a "she" but a he. Its pretty funny because most people think Taggie is a girl at first sight. Poor girly Taggie!

Sleepy Tag! I laid infront of him with the camera for about 30 seconds and he drifted back to sleep. Then I took this picture. How cute :)

I have some new pottery! Here is a flower pot I made for someone. It turned out pretty good and they seemed to like least thats what they told me.

This is just a small bowl with turquoise and brown. It turned out nice.

Lastly, this is a large coffee cup with a light blue glaze and some hand carving. Holds at least a cup and a half...probably more.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

A Little Inspiration!

Dan and I had a nice three day weekend together with NO SCHOOL to worry about. It was very nice to enjoy each other. We also spent some time with my side of the family.

On Friday, we went to my Mom and Dad's house for lunch. My brother was in town from DC and it was really nice to see him! I didn't think I would ever miss my brother but I do. He is so far away but he will be back in the area soon :)

On Saturday, my Dad's side of the family had a family reunion. We mingled with the family. Then we played cards and dominos. We had a good time. The best part of the reunion was the auction...and this is where my inspiration came from!

This was the first time I brought anything for the auction. (There is a silent auction every reunion to raise money for the next reunion. Most items in the auction are handmade.) I brought some pottery, a cheese ball cover and a casserole dish. I was a little nervous that no one would want my stuff. I even told Dan "If someone bids a dollar, I'll bid two dollars and take it back home with me." Well, I was very wrong. A couple people wanted my stuff and they were willing to pay (what I consider) a high price! The cheese ball cover went for $40 and the casserole went for $35. WOW! I am very thankful to them because I needed that little bit of inspiration. They made me realize "Maybe I am pretty good!" So, I think I am going to open a shop on and start trying to sale my pottery. I'll keep you posted and let you know when I open the shop :)

Here is the casserole and I unfortunately never took a picture of the cheese ball cover :(

Taggie Update:
We were up VERY late last night! Taggie DOES NOT like fireworks. July 4th and New Years are his worst days of the year. While we were getting ready for bed he was right by our side in the bathroom! We got in bed and he shivered and panted until about midnight last night between me and dan. All the petting and comforting in the world couldn't calm him down. Poor Taggie! Then about 1 am there was a HORRIBLE storm...WOW was it loud. We were up again with Tag. (We found him hiding in the closet) We all survived the night! Thank goodness :)

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Taggie doesn't like rubber bands!

SO....Taggie came running to me because his Papa is SOOOOO mean to him!

It started with Dan pretending to pop Tag with the rubber band. Tag would lean his head away like "Papa, please don't pop me". Dan didn't...instead he decided to put a "bracelet" on Tag. Dan put the rubber band around Tags front leg. Tag in no time decided to take it off. He grabs ahold of the rubber band and PULLS!!! Then LETS GO!!! All I can hear is POP! Dan starts laughing and takes it off Taggies leg. Then Taggie runs to my side like..."Mama, Mama save me". He is still sitting next to me 30 minutes later. While also giving the constant stink eye to Dan.

Poor Tag!

(No animals were harmed in the making of this blog post!)