Monday, September 13, 2010

Forest Hill Park

Here is our walk in the park every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  We usually go on Saturday with Dan (if he is off) and Tag also get to go swimming on Saturdays at the park.  I would take him swimming every time but the hill to get to the swimming hole is a little steep for a 38 week preggo!  Hope you enjoy our walk :)

Stone House where the grounds keeper used to live back in the day.

This is right across from where we park the car.  He always has to check it out and mark his plant :)

Taggie's Tree
Big beautiful tree at the park.  A class of kids was taking a picture in front of it one day and the teacher told them they are going to take a picture every couple of weeks and watch how it changes through the year.  Very cool!
And we are walking
Around the bin we go
Not sure what he is looking at but there is a huge drop off and a stream on the other side of the wall.
A better view of the stream and swimming hole.
Taggie really wants to go swimming.
The big pond/lake at the park.  There is catch and release fishing :)
Another picture of the water.
This is the very steep hill we have to walk up after each walk.  The picture does not do the steepness justice!
Had to stop to look at something.  Again, this is a very steep drop off.
We finished the hill!!!!
Taggie takes a drink in his own personal water bowl.  Full submersion is the only way to go!
This is one tired puppy!

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