Friday, July 3, 2009

Taggie doesn't like rubber bands!

SO....Taggie came running to me because his Papa is SOOOOO mean to him!

It started with Dan pretending to pop Tag with the rubber band. Tag would lean his head away like "Papa, please don't pop me". Dan didn't...instead he decided to put a "bracelet" on Tag. Dan put the rubber band around Tags front leg. Tag in no time decided to take it off. He grabs ahold of the rubber band and PULLS!!! Then LETS GO!!! All I can hear is POP! Dan starts laughing and takes it off Taggies leg. Then Taggie runs to my side like..."Mama, Mama save me". He is still sitting next to me 30 minutes later. While also giving the constant stink eye to Dan.

Poor Tag!

(No animals were harmed in the making of this blog post!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Taggie!!!