Thursday, December 11, 2008

Meet Bill...Mystery Solved

So, I think we identified the mystery person tearing up and eating everything around the house....

Meet Bill. Taggie claims Bill is the one causing all the trouble!
In case you can't tell, its really Taggart. We refer to Tag as Bill after he gets a short hair cut. Your probably thinking...Why did you get his hair cut short? Its cold outside. Well, I wanted it trimmed. This is the groomers interpretation of trimmed. Also, hes an inside dog...he should be fine. We also cuddle alot...I got it covered ;)

I just got some more pottery in yesterday! So, I will post more soon. Gotta take some pictures first. I hope to get a DSLR soon too...please santa, I've been good this, hopefully the pics will be more clear.

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